
Den 25 januari 2023 skrev vi en artikel om att alldeles för många dör i covid-19 i Sverige, trots att ett effektivt läkemedel finns. Läs debattinlägget i Expressen.

Den 8 februari 2022 skrev vi till regeringen om hur vi såg på dagsläget. Du kan läsa brevet här.

Science Forum Covid-19 is the group of researchers and doctors that disseminates science-based knowledge about the major issues and challenges that the ongoing pandemic has posed to the world and our country.

Our mission is to save lives and prevent all forms of suffering in the Covid-19 pandemic. We aim to provide an unbiased assessment of the ongoing scientific discussion to find the best path to handle the pandemic through scientifically informed and ethical decisions. The overall goal is to minimize the impact of Covid-19.

Below, you find links to materials we have produced, and compilations of data pertaining to the pandemic.

Vetenskapsforum covid-19 har, som grupp och på initiativ av enskilda medlemmar, publicerat över hundra debatt- och informationsartiklar om pandemin, huvudsakligen i dagspress. En lista på dessa, med länkar och pdf:er, finns here..
Science Forum Covid-19 has produced over 150 films providing information and discussion on the pandemic. The material is available on our YouTube-channel, you can find it here..”
Scientific evidence and studies showing the importance of pre- and asymptomatic transmission.
Today, there are well over a hundred studies, in an overall assessment, provide convincing scientific support for the use of mouth guards to reduce the spread of society. Here we address some of the most essential.
Folkhälsomyndigheten lade på sin hemsida den 31 augusti 2020 upp en lista med publicerade studier om den smittbegränsande effekten av munskydd, en lista som uppdaterades och utökades den 30 november. Det är en vederhäftig lista, och endast den inbördes ordningen av studierna är lite missvisande. Listan börjar med fyra artiklar som ger relativt svagt stöd för nyttan med munskydd, och följs sedan av cirka fyrtiofem artiklar som relativt samstämmigt ger stöd för munskyddens smittbegränsande effekter vid Covid-19. I Folkhälsomyndighetens lista bifogas här, i gult, ett exakt citat från varje studie, där studiens slutsats framgår.
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On this page you will find a list of studies, either scientific studies or government reports on children, schools and the spread of infection. There are now studies that show that children between the ages of 10 and 17 are as contagious as adults, and even younger children, although they may possibly be so to a somewhat lesser degree.there are now studies showing that children between the ages of 10 and 17 are as contagious as adults; even younger children can be contagious, although it might be to a somewhat lesser degree.
A WEB ARTICLE: In english. This article supplements and expands on the article in Dagens Nyheter 2020/10/01. Sweden’s FHM and the press were stating most of the summer and into early September that our case numbers were going down and were lower than many other countries in Europe. But tests are too easily manipulated and in Sweden the test rate does not match the death rate when we compare to our neighbours in September. Read it here.
These general advice complement the general tips you can find at Folkhälsomyndigheten.se.
There are many questions about mouth protection and face mask in connection with covid-19. Here we try to answer the questions and find out why we in Vetenskapsforum covid-19 recommend the use of mouth guards.
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